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Invention of a pen gave Renoir an opportunity to draw the Portrait of Severine and to Oppenheimer to sketch an atomic bomb. Digital revolution made for us every song accessible in seconds while filled the area of culture by less prepared, sometimes bad-faithed crowd. Please, donate for the support and development of North Atlantic Life Magazine and North Atlantic Art, Music, Literature, and Culture in general! Ignorance added to globalization might cause self-destruction! You admit that you do not expect any personal obligations executed in return. L'invention d'un stylo a permis à Renoir de dessiner le Portrait de Séverine et à Oppenheimer de dessiner une bombe atomique. La révolution numérique a rendu pour nous chaque chanson accessible en quelques secondes tout en remplissant le domaine de la culture par des foules moins préparées, parfois de mauvaise foi. S'il vous plaît, faites un don pour le soutien et le développement de North Atlantic Life Magazine et de l'art, de la musique, de la littérature et de la culture de l'Atlantique Nord en général ! L'ignorance ajoutée à la mondialisation pourrait provoquer l'autodestruction ! Vous reconnaissez que vous n'attendez aucune obligation personnelle exécutée en retour. Die Erfindung eines Stiftes gab Renoir die Möglichkeit, das Porträt von Severine zu zeichnen und Oppenheimer eine Atombombe zu skizzieren. Die digitale Revolution machte für uns jeden Song in Sekundenschnelle zugänglich, während sie den Bereich der Kultur von weniger vorbereiteten, manchmal bösgläubigen Menschenmassen füllte. Bitte spenden Sie für die Unterstützung und Entwicklung des North Atlantic Life Magazine und der nordatlantischen Kunst, Musik, Literatur und Kultur im Allgemeinen! Ignoranz, die zur Globalisierung hinzugefügt wird, könnte Selbstzerstörung verursachen! Sie geben zu, dass Sie keine persönlichen Verpflichtungen erwarten, die im Gegenzug ausgeführt werden. Amount of the donations received on September 25, 2021, 9 am EST: US$0.00, €0.00, CAD$0.00 |
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Andrew Praiseword is the unique pseudonym of Andriy Pohvalynskyi of Canada (Toronto, Ontario).
(C) Andrew Praiseword 2021
August 22, 2021; Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Andrew Praiseword, the publisher
Copyright Andrew Praiseword 2021; All rights reserved
For permissions contact at AndrewPraiseword@NorthAtlanticLife.com
By Andrew Praiseword, August 22 - September 4, 2021
After I wrote not published but extraordinary influential text PERFECT WORLD--STUPID FREUD: BIRTH OF CULTURE (2015), I was asked by many entertainers and social researchers about collaboration. They meant: "We will be able to publish it (or make a movie) together". I had to refuse and here are my reasons.
First, I am involved, also, in songwriting--performing and, yet, in visual, fine arts. (I can afford, having several universities, de facto.) Then, to balance my time and plans, I must execute "slalom" at the circus level and it is possible only under condition of total independence. (Same with pop-stars.) Second, I, again because of my top position above several Arts, am not interested to dig in meticulous details in my philosophic adventures now and need to write my prose fast--then, I do, even, philosophy as a fiction; in the case of the PERFECT WORLD--inserting it in conversations of my characters.
More or less this approach, I must continue with this article or, maybe, sketch, in the expectation of better life conditions, which might change the situation. There is, yet, "third"--many of them... steal from me!
Here is my list of things that could make North Atlantic people happy if are "good".
1. Freedom.
2. Safety.
3. Wealth.
4. Arts.
5. Entertainment.
6. Friends.
7. "Beaching", skiing, travelling, and other sports.
8. Drinks.
What do you think about: in which countries of North Atlantic they have better freedom? Is this a European country or a North American? I think Europe survives not its best times and it's getting, even, worse. There exists such a term: "Italian alternative constitution". Which of them to follow to succeed? Something what can be called an "alternative constitution", with development of technical capabilities and psychological methods for coercing people, is growing in Europe. Just look at the names of the officers of significant organizations. The more it, the office, is important--the more "Henry Baskervilles" are at its top. Your chances to win a complaint about a violation of your freedom are kind of falling. Great Britain spreads arranging people in hierarchical, borderless, "pyramides".
Canada in this keeps some distancing ("some")--but Canada is, also, called by some a "police country"--then, even while it distancing itself from "alternative constitutions" and "pyramides of power", its freedom protection remains, also, weak, for police better chases auto-moto thieves than freedom abusers (and thieves of such a "confusing" thing as intellectual property).
I think, the leader here is the USA, though it also is falling down and getting "Baskervillized"; sad to say. (I should discuss "unhappiness" yet! Later.) (America had scored, America--Europe 1:0.)
Which country is the best in "safety"? Here we can make an internet search: "Crime rates by country, 2020". At the top of Google we, immediately, would find:
"Crime Rate By Country 2021 - World Population Review" (it is, even, 2021!) The best of North Atlantic countries is Slovenia, then--Switzerland and Estonia; Iceland, Austria, Croatia,..Czech, Finland, Denmark, Netherlands, Romania...--no Canada, no the USA, no France, no Germany in Top-10 of North Atlantic. "Safety" does not make most of our happiness among the North Atlantic members of G7! About Canada, there, recently, was an article on the internet news that it is best country in the world for... mafia: organized crime. ("Canada is the best country in the world for organized criminals, mafia expert says": https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/hamilton/cbc-asks-mafia-covid19-1.5750581.) (America--Europe 1:1.)
Wealth... When they say "wealth", they, mostly, assume investments and similar assets. I am not prepared in this, beyound saying that majority of official billionaires are of the USA. When I tried to sell my acrylics THE THEOREM (PYTHAGOREAN)(2009-2017) by letter-mail--there were kind of 20 American billionaires for 2 Europeans, roughly, by memory, on the internet. On the other side, recently, in The Guardian (https://www.theguardian.com/society/2021/aug/12/housing-renter-affordable-data-map), I read: "Nearly half of American workers don’t earn enough to afford a one-bedroom rental"!
Then, we can try "GDP per Capita"; Wikipedia, 2019 (before the pandemic)... When it is going on about three, smaller by amount of citizens, monarchies--I think their system of income is somehow different than it is in larger, f.e., several million countries. Just look at the title: "per capita"--the smaller population--the larger individual share from over-seas activities, for example. Anyway, 2019 North Atlantic (larger) leader countries are Switzerland, Ireland, Norway, USA, Iceland, Denmark, Sweden, Netherlands, Greenland, Finland, Austria, Germany. We must, also, consider "services". For example, in Switzerland health care is "privatized", then Helvetians, or their insurers, must unbelt their "per capita" each time when visit a doctor. Demands separate calculation. I--personally, do not have the wealth which would make me happy. (America--Europe 2:1.)
When it is about "Arts"--I must explain that I distinguish "Arts" (including theatre, prose, music) from "Entertainment". I consider at this point that "Art", "Pure Art"--these are beautiful works of this kind, which are made while artists' are moved by own admiration rather than by marketing. As what Picasso's Artist--"a person who creates his collection himself" had done. (See: www.AndrewPraiseword.com, "Poetry", "The Master: Until an Artist Is Busy...", fragment of the poem). Still, most famous example of "pure artist" is Vincent van Gogh (though Renoir or Monet, also, were not millionaires). North America is very commercialized/"marketianized", yet, started with "arts" when Europe was nearly, already, finishing... Then, they are more happy with Arts in Europe; especially, in Renaissance and Impressionism related countries. One of Canadian prime ministers, sharing the budget said: "Majority of Canadians do not care about arts" (and "shared").
I could not visit, rather decent, Art Gallery of Ontario since its renovation (2004-2008)! I have no safe place to leave my own art and they do not allow me to enter with it. (America--Europe 2:2.)
We all have, now, difficulties with entertainment also: there are no gatherings of people allowed by police in Toronto for more than a year! Book shops are closed. No happiness: surviving... They had "the Festival" in Cannes this year! Goa-a-a-l-l !!! (America--Europe 2:3.)
Friends. My all "friends" betrayed me and many are making their living (some--millions) stealing from me. I, with my contemporary life experience, fill the word "friend" with pretty different content than when a teenager. Basically, currently, I "do not believe in friendship". (I am dreaming about... It's a secret; America--Europe 2:4.)
"Beaching" (sitting under an umbrella with a book and swimming in a sea "to-and-fro" when it became too hot, or sea-cycling, or playing with a flying saucer), alpine skiing, and other sports. I think the best place to enjoy sea related activities is European Riviera. I never was at an ocean, but I think logically: where they use surfing--they need waves--and I like "surfing" on two skis in mountains, while on a sea--I like still water, transparent to the very bottom (20 m - 40 m down). They must be more happy with a sea in Europe, then. (America--Europe 2:5.)
I like French Brandy, Champagne, and red wine; Italian Martini. I like to drink alone, listening my favourite music. There is a lot of those drinks in Toronto, Ontario. They closed CD stores. Then, I listen about 55 CDs which I still have after all the circumstances (from ELVIS PRESLEY, 1956 to Sam Brown's "Stop!") and "official", labels' or performers', own posts on YouTube--though they are eating my internet gigabates too fast, and this makes me, also, somehow unhappy. (Drinks are European, songs 50:50; America--Europe 2:6. America lost, this time. But, don't be upset: Europe won!)
First published on August 22-23, 2021 at www.NorthAtlanticLife.com while "Under Construction".
September 8, updated on September 17 and October 2, 2021;
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Andrew Praiseword, the publisher
Copyright Andrew Praiseword 2021; All rights reserved
For permissions contact at AndrewPraiseword@NorthAtlanticLife.com
By Andrew Praiseword, September 8, 2021
What is the North Atlantic? Obviously, it is Canada, the United States, Iceland, Greenland, and Europe. Are Australia and New Zealand North Atlantic? Culturally, of course, they are. You will not decide too long where, for example, belong Australian bands INXS or AC/DC... I consider a normal human being, roughly, as 50% an animal and 50% -- as an intellectual creature. Some of us are intellectual more -- for example, nerds & intellectualists, some -- less: general labourers & sportsmen, are included. Normally, you should try to balance those two sides of your nature because it makes your life more rich, more valuable (if evaluate by some "virtual" quality scale), having more sense. When balancing -- most important of intellectual components would be "culture" absorbed from books, movies, paintings (in galleries, preferable, because illustrations in magazines or on the web -- never reach 100% of what a picture really is, consider "Dream, Caused by the Flight of a Bee..." by Salvadore Dali: being 51 cm by 41 cm in size, in a gallery, it looks surprisingly small). Pictures -- they do "have stories", but aesthetical expression dominates in fine art's images. Movies -- they are often more entertaining, and, unless it is kind of popular science, are relying on motion rather then wisdom -- less effective tool to increase your intellectuality, than a book.
If to speak of the North Atlantic culture chronologically -- it would, inevitably, start from Ancient Greece. If try to imagine total North Atlantic culture like a set of intersecting, sometimes, spheres or similar volumes -- the one of Ancient Greece would be one of the largests, comparable to Italy with Ancient Rome and Renaissance, & France with Enlightenment and Impressionism.
Despite that some of Ancient thinkers, like Socrates, didn't leave any writings, and many written works of, f.e., Aristotle, didn't reach our days -- there still exist a big load of myths, plays, poems, philosophic poems, and philosophic books, you could find in book stores or on the internet. Many of them, starting from Apollonius Rhodius to Sophocles or Euripides, are worth reading very much, but if speak about only four books which would give you "most of culture", I would recommend The Greek Myths by Robert Graves, Iliad by Homer, The Republic of Plato, & Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle.
Robert Graves's book survived many transformations while published, then, I would strongly recommend only Penguin's release of 1992 called "Complete" and, also, "Combined edition" (782 pages, published 1992 by Penguin Group, ISBN: 0140171991; ISBN13: 9780140171990; there is, also, 1993 edition of 784 pages with the same cover and same ISBN on the web -- I didn't read it). When passing through ancient Iliad and the other two -- I advise to skip contemporary "introductions" (unless it is of the author himself -- part of HIS book) before your very first reading adventure (read them when you have your own opinion shaped). Also, I encourage to accomplish not less than two classical, old fashion translations (for Iliad -- Richmond Lattimore is acceptable), and read all four books in chronological sequence of events or writing (consider the order I mentioned them); no abbreviated editions or adaptations, please, unless you are not adult.
Escaping transformation of this essay into a dry long article, I wanted to advise you 5 articles in internet news about Renaissance literature but, surprisingly, I did not find anything appropriate. Three very first links mentioned as the #1 - Romeo and Juliet (William Shakespeare, years of living: 1564 -- 1616). I agree that this is a great work (I, also, wrote a song "For Romeo and for Juliet", not forgetting to take Shakespeare as a co-author, see: http://www.ic.gc.ca/app/opic-cipo/cpyrghts/dtls.do?fileNum=1088194&type=1&lang=eng), but speaking about its value, you should mention at least two Italians (Luigi Da Porto, 1485 -- 1529; Matteo Bandello, 1480/85 -- 1561/62), which are mentioned as writers of books about Romeo and Juliet, assumingly real life story, before Shakespeare was, even, born.
Then, please, read the best published translation of The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri, Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio, and poetry of Francesco Petrarch. Visit Florence and see masterpieces of Leonardo da Vinci, Rafael (Raphael Sanzio), and Michelangelo Buonarroti. Of Impressionism try to see Bal du moulin de la Galette (Dance at Le Moulin de la Galette; 1876) by Pierre-Auguste Renoir, if it would be, ever, exhibited; and of Post-Impressionism don't miss, still available for public, Red Vineyards at Arles (La Vigne Rouge; 1888) by Vincent van Gogh. Of modern -- contemporary literature read The Glass Bead Game by Hermann Hesse (published in 1943 in German as Das Glasperlenspiel or Magister Ludi), "1984" by George Orwell (published 1949), and A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess (1962). Of philosophic songs listen: I'd Love to Change the World (1971, by Ten Years After), I Am a Photograph (1977, by Amanda Lear), The Logical Song (March 1979, Supertramp), Blinded by Science (September 1979; Foreigner), Starless (1974; King Crimson), and mine: Toy in Mobster's Game: Living in a Down-Town (2018; lyrics available at www.AndrewPraiseword.com).
When reading ancient books never forget: negative examples from history are not to follow them, but to judge as precedents for making contemporary life better.
See the definitions from other sources.
"Culture of Ancient Greece, Ancient Greeks' Cult of Beauty":
(...plato.stanford.edu/entries/beauty/?source=post_page, Beauty, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, found on Sep. 10, 2021)
"Beauty. (First published Tue Sep 4, 2012; substantive revision Wed Oct 5, 2016)
The nature of beauty is one of the most enduring and controversial themes in Western philosophy, and is--with the nature of art--one of the two fundamental issues in philosophical aesthetics. Beauty has traditionally been counted among the ultimate values, with goodness, truth, and justice. It is a primary theme among ancient Greek, Hellenistic, and medieval philosophers, and was central to eighteenth and nineteenth-century thought, as represented in treatments by such thinkers as Shaftesbury, Hutcheson, Hume, Burke, Kant, Schiller, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Hanslick, and Santayana. By the beginning of the twentieth century, beauty was in decline as a subject of philosophical inquiry, and also as a primary goal of the arts. However, there were signs of revived interest by the early 2000s."
(www.newworldencyclopedia.org/... Renaissance, from New World Encyclopedia, found on Sep. 17, 2021)
"The term Rebirth (Rinascenza), to indicate the flourishing of artistic and scientific activities starting in Italy in the thirteenth century, was first used by Italian historian Giorgio Vasari (1511–1574) in the Vite, published in 1550. The term Renaissance is the French translation...
Rebirth is used in two ways. First, it means rediscovery of ancient classical texts and learning and their applications in the arts and sciences. Second, it means that the results of these intellectual activities created a revitalization of European culture in general..."
(www.oxfordreference.com... Enlightenment, Oxford Reference)
"Enlightenment was a European intellectual movement of the late 17th and 18th centuries emphasizing reason and individualism rather than tradition, it was heavily influenced by 17th-century philosophers such as Descartes, Locke, and Newton, and its prominent exponents include Kant, Goethe, Voltaire, Rousseau, and Adam Smith."
(en.wikipedia.org/wiki/... Impressionism, from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia)
"Impressionism is a 19th-century art movement characterized by relatively small, thin, yet visible brush strokes, open composition, emphasis on accurate depiction of light in its changing qualities (often accentuating the effects of the passage of time), ordinary subject matter, inclusion of movement as a crucial element of human perception and experience, and unusual visual angles. Impressionism originated with a group of Paris-based artists whose independent exhibitions brought them to prominence during the 1870s and 1880s.
The Impressionists faced harsh opposition from the conventional art community in France. The name of the style derives from the title of a Claude Monet work, Impression, soleil levant (Impression, Sunrise), which provoked the critic Louis Leroy to coin the term in a satirical review published in the Parisian newspaper Le Charivari."
"Art Nouveau":
(...en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Art_Nouveau, found on Sep. 10, 2021)
"...Is an international style of art, architecture, and applied art, especially the decorative arts, known in different languages by different names: Jugendstil in German, Stile Liberty in Italian, Modernisme català in Catalan, etc. In English it is also known as the Modern Style. The style was most popular between 1890 and 1910 during the Belle Époque period that ended with the start of World War I in 1914. It was a reaction against the academic art, eclecticism and historicism of 19th century architecture and decoration."
First published on September 8, 2021 at www.NorthAtlanticLife.com; updated on September 17, 2021
September 27, 2021; Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Andrew Praiseword, the publisher
Copyright Andrew Praiseword 2021; All rights reserved
For permissions contact at AndrewPraiseword@NorthAtlanticLife.com
By Andrew Praiseword, September 26-27, 2021
I use for this article's title, legitimately, a line from Jim Morrison's lyrics, written, as several wrote, in a deepest depression...
Just several days ago (about September 21, 2021), Secretary General of the UN Antonio Guterras said at the 76th Session of the UN General Assembly that the world is "moving in the wrong direction" and we are now "on the edge of an abyss". Same day, when I published about this in North Atlantic Life Magazine (here, September 25, 2021), two royal persons from Great Britain left, urgently, for the UN.
Interesting, but I called the UN and the Secretary General's line not less than 15-20 times with the issue (of the "wrong direction") in the last 4-5 years and never met understanding or support. In October of 2009, I asked UNESCO to fund my book -- president Obama had, immediately, cut UNESCO's backing by the US, instead. Today, I moved my analytical system of recognizing, distinguishing of bad people, started in summer of 2015 in the text PERFECT WORLD--STUPID FREUD: BIRTH OF CULTURE to a next stage and was, kind of scared, by the results. "If I would publish it--many may become angry if not hostile" -- I decided first.
But, in several minutes, considering my own problems with overwhelming non-adequate stalking, "better late than never" "epiphany" of the Secretary General, and general usefulness for matching people and for HR, I decided, that despite challenges, I must publish this my consideration.
I suggest to evaluate and separate all individuals into four categories by life's "niches": "Beauty", "Intellect", "Moral", "Assets" and into 5 levels -- by their own qualities, such as, f.e., "Goddess", "Beautiful", "Nice"... -- for the category of "Beauty"; "Saint", "Helpful", "Honest", "Liar", "Criminal" -- for the category of "Moral", etc. Here is what I got.
PIC: Andrew Praiseword's Classification of Kinds of Individuals
Then, we can describe peoples' qualities in letters and numbers ("Andrew Praiseword's Classification of Kinds of Individuals"): Goddess-Genius-Saint-and-Wealthy would be all "1s": A1 B1 C1 D1; Beautiful-Stupid-Criminal-and-Rich -- would be: A2 B4 C5 D2.
You may ask: "Why I gave 3 gradations for the 'good' characteristics (for example, in "Beauty") and only one for the 'bad'?" It is really asymetrical. I decided that for some the table would be too confusing to use with 28 fields (four categories and 7 levels), then, I simplified it. "Bad" is "bad" after all. Who cares?
As I said, I recommend this table for selecting friends and for all kinds of Human Resources. Of course, the concept does not cover all possible life situations and views, completely. Parallel use of other tools should just help more.
I am by this table: A1 B1 C1 D5. What about yourself?
Written by Andrew Praiseword
First sketch created on September 26, 2021, 7:45 am EST
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
First published on September 27, 2021 at www.NorthAtlanticLife.com
Links to Other Interesting Articles
September 22, 2021
Andrew Praiseword, the publisher
On "Germany warns of lost U.S. trust as France wins EU support" by Reuters
Recently announced plans of the USA, Great Britain, and Australia on joining their activities with submarines in the Indo-Pacific look like "may be" a step in polarizing North Atlantic into "English speaking countries" and the rest. Reuters published yesterday (September 21, 2021) an interesting article about this: "Germany warns of lost U.S. trust as France wins EU support" -- see www.reuters.com/... September 21, 2021; 7:59 AM EDT.
September 25, 2021
Andrew Praiseword, the publisher
On Antonio Guterres's "'Wake Up Call' to Humanity" by Euronews
Look what UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres delivered at the opening of the 76th Session of the UN General Assembly. He warned that we are living in a world that's moving in the w-r-o-n-g direction: "I am here to sound the alarm. The world must wake up. We are on the edge of an a-b-y-s-s and moving in the wrong direction. Our world has n-e-v-e-r been more threatened or more divided, we face the greatest cascade of 'crises' in our lifetimes."
Now, take mine: even if, extremely low developed European countries, currently, led by Vladimirs -- Putin and Zelenskiy (Russia and Ukraine), somehow, with somebody's "little help", assistance, would devastate all the West by something like, f.e., clandestine media, non-pronounced, conspiracies with results comparable to Covid-19, on its -- of the devastated West -- ruins, still, might be produced more high-quality consumer goods and GDP-per-capita than in both: Russia and Ukraine, then, their "dreams" about jeans still would remain satisfied -- materialized; so, they stay highly motivated.
PIC: Zelenskiy Talking to Putin 5.5 Years
after Crimea (...://godeye.ru/zelenskij-
At last, let's consider an analogy between governing orders expressed in precise, written wording versus hints with a celebrity "fingering" an advertisement's watcher from a street-car's side, and efficiency factors of electric engine versus internal combustion one. I assume, intuitively, without having conditions for a scientific research, that compared to known balance 75% versus 35% for the engines, written orders would have efficiency factor of about 90%-95%, for legitimate writing, against 2%-5% -- for "messages deciphered from images", etc.; then, connecting these two paragraphs, I think we may evaluate the issue of the scared, not in vain, the Secretary-General...
But, how can they devastate the West with such a low efficiency factor of their efforts? Because, if for building a castle you may need months -- it can be destroyed just in one instant! Destruction is much more easier "thing" than creation!
Here is where to find the article "'WAKE UP CALL' TO HUMANITY": EURONEWS, "www.euronews.com/2021/09/21/..."
October 2, 2021
Andrew Praiseword, the publisher
Eighty-five percent of the increase of power will come from wind and solar energy
(C) Andrew Praiseword 2021
Paris based TotalEnergies company noted recently, that by 2050, generation of power on the planet would grow more than twice, and that more than 85% of the increase will come from wind and solar energy.
(See: www.reuters.com/business/energy... "World to reach peak oil demand before 2030", Sep. 27, 2021.)
Then, now they build wind farms, even, in a sea, see -- "Offshore Wind Power": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Offshore_wind_power. As, same Wikipedia, writes, the first commercial wind farm using floating wind turbines works in Hywind Scotland (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hywind_Scotland...).
At last, I conclude from: "en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wind_turbine_design", "Wind Turbine Design", that it is possible to install, for example, 2 or 4 wind turbines on one tower: simply one above another. Of course, it cannot be used for offshore wind mills because of the balance issues. But I wonder: why I cannot find, on the "www", anything about it at all? I mean about several turbines on one tower in relation to ground based mills? Where is the trick? Is this the growing diameter of the tower? Does it mean that correlation of the diameter of a tower and the size of a turbine is always more effective for "one propeller on a stick only"? Could you consider this message as a de-facto world-wide patent, if it works? I suggested, in 2016, to Billboard and LA Weekly, irrigation of California with desalination of ocean water. Had they, already, started?
Contact Information: AndrewPraiseword@NorthAtlanticLife.com
North Atlantic Life